Understanding The Extra Options

  1. Play Base Hit SFX? - If checked, the base impact sound effect will be played on hit confirmation.

  2. Extra Hit Particle - This option lets you spawn VFX on hit confirmation.

  3. Extra Hit Particle Transform - The player's location + the input. For the "Location" vector, a higher X value will spawn the VFX farther in the direction the player is looking. While a negative value will spawn the VFX behind the player.

  4. Extra Hit Niagara Particle - Spawns a Niagara particle at the player's location.

  5. Cooldown Time - As soon as this move is performed, you can't use it again for the specified duration (seconds).

  6. Push Distance - This will push the enemy a chosen distance (relative to the player).

    Close = 200, Mid = 500, and Far = 1000

  7. Heavy Screen Shake? - If checked, on hit confirmation the screen will heavily shake. 🕹ī¸

  8. Unblockable? - If checked, the enemy can't block the attack. đŸ’Ĩ

  9. Can Hit Grounded Enemy? - The move will be able to hit enemies on the ground.

  10. Hit Reaction Function - It will call the specified function on hit confirmation. The function needs to be located in the Character Blueprint Class.

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