Creating an Assist

Changing The 3D Model

Changing the 3D model for an assist is the exact same process as a character mod. However, unlike character mods, you don't need to set up any hitboxes. For more information visit

pageChanging The 3D Model

Visual Scripting

Once you open the "AssistCharacter" actor you will see a few things; one of which is the "Set Spawn Location" event. Two variables should be connected to the event, both of which have their uses.

Assist Offset: The variable's value = the distance in front of the player. So a value of 250 will spawn the assist 250 units in front of the player. While a negative value will spawn the assist behind the player.

Relative Spawn: The player's current location + the variable's value.

Below the "Set Spawn Location" event you will find more blueprint nodes.

Here Is a Breakdown of What's Happening:

1. Begin Play - This is triggered once the assist is spawned.

3. Play Montage - Play an uppercut attack animation.

4. Check Hit Result (ASSIST) - Check to see if the assist character is in range of the enemy.

🧠 Remember: "Check Hit Result" takes exactly .25 seconds to respond.

5. Inflict Damage -

Damage - An assist with a short recharge time should do 250. For a long recharge time, I recommend around 600.

Attack Type - This uses the enemy's hit map to find and play the most appropriate hit reaction animation.

Extra SFX - An extra sound effect that plays on hit confirmation.

6. Delay & End Assist - Wait .2 seconds after the uppercut animation is completed, lastly, the "End Assist" function is used to despawn the actor.

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